Wednesday 17 October 2012

Magazine Double Page Spread and Evaluation

Other Possible Images



During my research for illegal downloading I found it rather easy to find facts and statistics about illegal downloading on internet. However when it came to making the double page spread itself I found it relatively difficult to get the right layout as I hadn’t done any research of magazine double page spreads.  In future I feel that I should research more on the project I will be doing in order for me to get a better and more professional outcome.

 In terms of my strengths in research, I feel that my ability to research and get the appropriate information needed is my strongest point. I used Google to search for statistics and quotes to back up my arguments.  My weakness is actually doing this in a short amount of time. Therefore meaning that I need to work on filtering out extra information that I don’t need faster.

For my actual journalism I found myself writing in quite a formal tone as I enjoyed doing this in English previously. My strengths are being able to write in a nonbiased way and trying to make the audience see both perspectives, allowing them to make up their minds based on the clear evidence given.
I found using Adobe InDesign fairly easy. At first I just had to have a few minutes of getting used to the software, but after this point I managed to finish my whole magazine double page spread within on lesson. However because I hadn’t done enough research on magazines I laid my text out in rows instead of columns. I later realised this and thought that it would be appropriate if I changed the rows to columns, so I used the guidelines provided in Adobe InDesign and therefore formed five columns for my double page spread.

I then had to create a blogger account, which wasn’t difficult to make at all. However at first I did have a problem because the college had blocked some of the pages I needed in order to make my account. Nevertheless , after a few minutes I managed to sort out this problem and was able to upload the image of my article and publish it to my blog (

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